Since our last post on this website the proposals from Imperial College for a development of seven buildings at One Portal Way North Acton have been granted in principle planning consent.
This decision was taken by the OPDC Planning Committee on 12th October 2023. The decision of the OPDC Planning Committee remains subject to a London Mayor decision at ‘Stage 2′ (given the heights and sacle of the scheme). Stage 1 approval was granted by the Mayor on the advice of GLA planning officers back in February 2022.
The details of the application are as below:
Full planning permission is sought for a ground plus 55 storey building (227.75m AOD) comprising of 461 residential units (Class C3) and 75 sq.m of flexible commercial/community/town centre uses (Classes E/F) and ground plus 18 storey building (100.175m AOD) providing 384 co-living units (Sui Generis) OR 384 student accommodation units (Sui Generis), 637 sq.m of co-working space (Class E) and 128 sq.m of flexible commercial/community/town centre uses (Classes E/F/Sui Generis), along with basement, associated cycle and car parking, creation of publicly accessible landscaped open space and associated highway works and public realm improvements.
The Old Oak Neighbourhood Forum submitted six objections in all, over the long period when OPDC planning officers were considering the application. The officer report to the OPDC Planning Committee and be downloaded at this link. An ‘addendum report’ responding to our final representations is at this link.
The Old Oak Neighbourhood Forum has continued to question with the Office of Students whether Imperial College has the legal powers under its Statutes to undertake a purely commercial development project of this scale and estimated cost. The OfS is the regulatory body for UK universities. We are awaiting an OfS response to a second ‘notification’ that follows up that which we submitted in January 2023.