You can help by sending in an objection to the application and asking for it to be either refused or withdrawn.
Ignore the ‘closing date’ of January 8th for the public consultation. The Old Oak Neighbourhood Forum and the Grand Union Alliance asked for the consultation to be extended and a date of 28th January was agreed. Our reasons were the scale of the development, the fact the consultatiion was held over Xmas and New Year, and that important new documents were added to the OPDC website as late as January 5th.
Legally, a planning authority is required to take account of all representations up until the point when a decision is made. It may be months rather than weeks from January 8th 2022 before the OPDC Planning Committee is asked to decide this application.
If you would like to get more involved in the campaign, the websites of the local groups and organisations involved are at Ealing Matters, Grand Union Alliance, Old Oak Neighbourhood Forum, St Quintin and Woodlands Neighbourhood Forum.
Membership of the Old Oak Neighbourhood Forum is open to all who live or work within or around the ‘designated’ neighbourhood (which lies in East Acton). The Forum has been meeting monthly on Zoom to discuss the OPDC Draft Local Plan and applications for individual developments in the OPDC area. Contact us at